Chinese Premier meets Palestinian President

BEIJING: Chinese Premier Li Qiang met with visiting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Beijing on Thursday.
Calling China and Palestine good friends and partners, Li said the announcement by the two countries’ leaders to establish a strategic partnership fully demonstrates China’s staunch support for developing China-Palestine ties and the cause of justice for Palestinian people.
China is ready to take the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Palestine as an opportunity to work for tangible outcomes of their strategic partnership to better benefit the two peoples, Li said.
Noting cooperation in various fields between China and Palestine has witnessed steady progress, Li urged efforts by the two sides to continue firmly supporting each other, continuously promote pragmatic cooperation, speed up the negotiation of a free trade agreement, work for closer people-to-people exchanges, and constantly carry forward their traditional friendship. China will continue to champion justice and make sustained efforts for a comprehensive, just and durable solution for the Palestinian question, Li added. –Agencies