Chinese Premier stresses improving business environment, boosting market vitality

BEIJING: Premier Li Qiang on Wednesday underscored the need to enhance the business environment in China to constantly stimulate market vitality.
Li said during a State Council study session that improving the business environment is crucial to bolstering market vitality and enhancing the endogenous dynamics for development.
While advancing reforms in key areas and crucial sectors, the country should continue to create a top-tier business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized to propel high-quality development, the premier said.
In the following steps, Li said more efforts will be made to safeguard fair market competition, eliminate regulations and practices that impede a unified market and fair competition, ensure that enterprises of all types of ownership participate in fair competition, and better protect the legitimate rights and interests of all types of business entities.
He demanded standardizing the discretion of administrative penalties, innovating regulatory methods, improving regulatory effectiveness, and creating a stable, transparent, standardized and predictable rule-of-law environment.
More efforts should be made to strengthen alignment with high-standard international economic and trade rules, give full play to the role of stress tests on platforms such as pilot free trade zones, and produce more leading and landmark institutional innovations, Li said. He urged improving government services so that people and businesses can feel actual change year by year. He said government services should comprehensively use new technologies, such as big data and artificial intelligence, to improve standardizing and facilitating government services consistently.
Earlier, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin Tuesday jointly chaired the 28th regular meeting between Chinese and Russian heads of government in Beijing.
Li said that under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China-Russia relations have continued to operate at a high level, with more political mutual trust, deepening people-to-people friendship, more resilient practical cooperation, and closer international coordination, setting an example of a new model of major-country relations. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item