Chinese Premier urges joint efforts to seek new growth frontiers

BEIJING: Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday called on nations to keep an open mindset, enhance their mutually beneficial cooperation and jointly seek new frontiers of economic growth.
Li made the remarks when meeting with Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab in Dalian, northeast China’s Liaoning Province.
Amid the current sluggish global economic recovery, it is crucial to find new drivers of growth, Li said. The future industry will be the most active force boosting global economic growth, he added. Technological breakthroughs, represented by artificial intelligence, biotechnology and green energy, among others, will foster new tracks and new business formats that will enjoy high growth, Li noted.
China’s proposal to carry out the “artificial intelligence+” action is to inject stronger impetus into economic development through the extensive empowerment of artificial intelligence, Li added.
Li went on to point out that the slowdown of world economic growth in recent years has a lot to do with various forms of “decoupling and breaking chains” and “building walls and barriers” by certain countries, adding that the interconnectivity of the economies of all countries can lead to common progress while shutting oneself off from others will only result in regress.
For his part, Schwab said that under the current complex international situation, it is more imperative than ever to strengthen international cooperation.
He said the WEF is committed to continuing close cooperation with China to work for the stable and healthy development of the world economy and jointly respond to global challenges. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item