Chinese President to visit France, Serbia & Hungary

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Monday.
During his visits, Xi will hold talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orban, respectively, and will have an in-depth exchange of views with them on issues relating to bilateral ties and China-EU relations, as well as on international and regional hot issues of common concern, according to Lin Jian, spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry, at a press briefing on Monday afternoon.
Xi’s visit to France will be the second state visit by a Chinese head of state to France after five years. “Coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France, it is of great importance in building on the past and opening up the future for the bilateral relationship,” said Lin.
China looks forward to working with the French side to take this visit as an opportunity to further consolidate political mutual trust, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, push the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level, and inject new impetus into the healthy and stable development of China-EU relations, Lin added.
Xi’s visit to Serbia will be his second to the country after eight years.
The Chinese president and President Vucic will discuss the enhancement of the positioning of bilateral ties and chart the course for relations to develop in future, said Lin.
The spokesperson noted that through the visit, China expects to further consolidate the friendship, deepen political mutual trust and expand pragmatic cooperation with Serbia.
Noting this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, Lin said that Xi’s visit to Hungary will push bilateral relations to a new level, open a new chapter for China-Hungary friendship and cooperation, and inject new momentum into the development of China-EU relations. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item