Chinese professor slams Indian media propaganda

BEIJING: In particular, in recent years, the Indian media have played a very negative role in Sino-Indian relations. Some Indian media have increasingly lost their independence and objectivity, just like a propaganda machine controlled by the politicians and national extremism.
The reason why China has taken countermeasures against India is that India has gone too far on the border issue in recent years, India has gone too far not only with China, but also with Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. On this issue, there is a general consensus among the people of other countries in South Asia.
This was stated by Cheng Xizhong, visiting professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law and senior fellow of the Charhar Institute in his article issued on Tuesday.
He said, on January 24, more than two months after the 8th round of Corps Commander Level Meeting, China and India held the 9th round of Corps Commander Level Meeting to negotiate settlement of the border confrontation.
Although the official press release has not yet been released, the Indian media suddenly exaggerated the tension on the border, saying that the border troops of the two countries recently had a physical conflict in the Sikkim section of the Sino-Indian border.
At least 20 Chinese soldiers were injured, while only four Indian soldiers got injured.
Chinese sources quickly responded that “the Indian media often have no bottom line and make up false reports.”
“We have received some inquiries about the physical conflict between the Indian troops and the Chinese troops in Sikkim,” the Indian Army said in a statement on January 25. “It needs to be clarified that on January 20,
there was a slight confrontation in Naku La area of North Sikkim, which was resolved by the local commanders in accordance with the established agreement between the two sides. The media should not exaggerate the fake report “, the statement added.
The 9th round of Corps Commander Level Meeting has not come easily. For a long time, the Indian media has been constantly stirring up the flames, confusing the public.
If it goes on like this, it will damage its own reputation and the interests of the country in the end. The demarcation of the border between China and India is an issue left over by history and also an issue left over by the British colonial days. Since China and India established diplomatic relations 70 years ago, there were opportunities to formally resolve the border issue. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the opportunities have been missed. –Agencies