Chinese Professor talks about TCM at Islamabad Conference

ISLAMABAD: Zhao Jirong, President of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine said during a speech at the online conference between Gansu University of Chinese Medicine and Health Services Academy Islamabad, Dear Counse-lor Li Yue, Dear Prof. Shahzad Ali, Dear Dr. La Jielian and all colleagues from HSA and CAC,
Hello, everyone! I’m Zhao Jirong, President of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine. I’m very glad to gather online with you to discuss the cooperation between GUCM and HSA in talent cultivation of the TCM field. On be-half of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the leaders of the Pa-kistani side and colleagues participating in this conference.
Gansu Province, known as the “Millennium Medicine Town” and “Natural Medicine Warehouse”, is an important birthplace of traditional Chinese medicine, having a profound TCM culture and abundant TCM resources. Currently, traditional Chinese medicine has received great attention from the Chinese government; the relevant legal and standard systems are gradually improved, and the investment in funds is increased day by day. Now, traditional Chinese medi-cine has entered a new era of revitalization and development. With the proposal of the “One Belt One Road” initiative, traditional Chinese medicine has been continuously integrated into international mainstream medicine. Gansu Univer-sity of Chinese Medicine has always laid equal stress on traditional Chinese and Western medicine, continuously strengthening connotation construction and quality improvement, having achieved significant results in promoting the TCM development and people’s health level.
In recent years, we have taken the initiative to serve the national “One Belt one Road” initiative by enhancing sharing of traditional Chinese medicine and cultural dissemination, and providing health services for people in the countries along the line. We have established 9 Qihuang TCM Institutes and 6 TCM Centers in countries such as Moldova, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and Thailand. By fully leveraging the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine teaching, we vigorously develop international student education and TCM education and training, and provide academic education and short-term training on practical Chinese medicine skills for international students. Through TCM training, clini-cal diagnosis and treatment cooperation, a large number of TCM workers have been trained for countries along the line of the “One Belt and One Road”, such as Thailand, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, etc. We have en-rolled 121 international students from 18 countries, including Thailand, Ukraine, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Yemen, etc. We have also established “Silk Road” special scholarship to support outstanding foreign students who receive undergraduate and graduate level education.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, the Chinese people have worked together to fight against it, and TCM has played an important role in the prevention and control of the pandemic. The integrated treatment plan of traditional Chinese and Western medicine adopted by China has played a crucial role, not only reducing the incidence of severe cases and mortality rates, but also shortening the hospitalization period of patients, once again proved the scientific and effective nature of traditional Chinese medicine.
The relationship between China and Pakistan has a long history. In order to better promote healthy TCM develop-ment in Pakistan, we are willing to engage in practical cooperation with HSA. With the support of the Pakistan Qi-huang TCM Center and the joint training of localized TCM talents by the two sides, we will fully promote the rooting of traditional Chinese medicine in Pakistan and further promote the legislative work of TCM in Pakistan.
We expect to have more cooperation and exchange projects between the two sides in the future. In Gansu, there are not only graceful landscapes of willows, small bridges and flowing water, but also spectacular view of great desert, rising smoke, long river and setting sun.We warmly welcome all leaders and colleagues from Pakistan to experience the charm of TCM culture, as well as TCM health preservation in Gansu. –PR