Chinese, Russian FMs discuss virus combat over phone

BEIJING: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov discussed the fight against COVID-19 in a phone conversation on Tuesday.
Wang noted that since the epidemic broke out, China and Russia have supported and assisted each other, which showcases the high level of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.
China has noticed that Russia is currently facing considerable pressure on epidemic prevention and control, Wang said, noting that the first batch of medical aid from China has arrived in Moscow, the protective supplies purchased by Russia are being shipped in succession, and a medical expert team despatched by the Chinese government is already working in Russia.
China will continue to firmly support Russia in its fight against the virus, and is full of confidence in Russia’s victory over the epidemic, Wang said, adding that the anti-epidemic cooperation will certainly enrich relations between the two countries and lift the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination to a new stage.
Wang pointed out that the COVID-19 outbreak has posed a major test for countries across the world, which examines the governance system and capacity in a comprehensive manner, and has also had a far-reaching impact on the global political and economic landscape.
Wang expressed confidence that both China and Russia will hand over an answer sheet that can stand the test of history, and make due contributions to promoting world peace and prosperity.
China stands ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Russia, implement the outcomes of the Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit, and prompt the international community to send out a clear signal of solidarity and cooperation facing the epidemic, Wang added.
For his part, Lavrov expressed gratitude to China for providing anti-epidemic supplies and sending medical teams to Russia.
He said that Russia and China support each other politically and cooperate closely in fighting the epidemic, which fully reflects the unique and strategic nature of Russia-China relations.
Russia highly values China’s accomplishments in the fight against the epidemic, approves of China’s vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and opposes individual countries’ moves to politicize the disease and shirk their responsibilities to others, Lavrov said.
Noting that the COVID-19 pandemic will have a significant impact on the international order and the world economy, and Russia and China have a high degree of consensus on major international and regional issues, Lavrov said that Russia is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with China to better cope with global challenges and safeguard common interests.
Chinese nationals in Russia have made positive contributions to promoting friendly cooperation between the two countries, Wang said, expressing his hope and belief that Russia will continue to provide convenience for Chinese nationals’ stay and life there and guarantee their health, safety and legitimate rights.
China and Russia should strengthen coordination and cooperation to avoid disorderly flow of people, reduce the risk of cross infection, and scale up measures for the prevention and control of COVID-19 at border crossings, Wang said.
Echoing the view of the Chinese side, Lavrov said that Russia will treat every Chinese national fairly and equally, fully ensure their legitimate rights and offer them necessary assistance. – Agencies