Chinese, Turkish planes bring medical supplies

DM Monitoring

ISLAMABAD: Another special plane of China carrying medical supplies regarding Coronavirus pandemic arrived Islamabad on Wednesday morning.
The Chinese flight CD-6007 arrived from Ürümqi to Islamabad with eight crew members on board. The airplane brought masks, gloves, testing kits and personal protection suits as medical aid.
The medical supplies were sprayed with copious amounts of disinfectants after offloading it.
Earlier in the day Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi lauded National Disaster Management Authority’s efforts to prevent spread of coronavirus pandemic in the country. Talking to Chairman NDMA Lieutenant General Muhammad Afzal in Islamabad he said the authority has taken timely steps to stop spread of disease and the whole nation values these services. Chairman NDMA briefed the Foreign Minister about medical equipment received from China and other countries.
Meanwhile, A plane carrying protective gears, amid coronavirus outbreak from Turkey on Wednesday landed at the Islamabad airport. The protective equipment include 20,000 N-95 masks and 18500 safety gowns, for Pakistani doctors working in hospitals for treatment of corona-infected patients,reported Radio Pakistan. Deputy Head of Mission of Turkish Consulate handed over the equipment to the Deputy Chairman of NDMA at the airport.
Earlier this month, a special plane of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) from China with medical supplies regarding coronavirus pandemic had reached Islamabad. The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) aeroplance brought medical supplies include testing kits, N-95 masks and gloves. The plane will be offloaded after customs clearance and the goods will be handed over to the National Disaster Managment Authority (NDMA) for proper dissemination.