Chinese, US local legislators vow to enhance cooperation

BEIJING: Chinese and U.S. local legislators vowed closer exchanges and cooperation at the Virtual Conference of the 5th China-U.S. Subnational Legislatures Cooperation Forum on Tuesday.
It was co-hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the State Legislative Leaders Foundation (SLLF) of the United States. The forum was the first institutional activity of exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States to have resumed after the new U.S. administration took office.
Addressing this forum, Lin Songtian, president of the CPAFFC, said the people and local governments of the two countries expressed mutual support in the face of COVID-19. They overcame the difficulties together, and the trade cooperation between the two countries grew despite the challenges.
He said that the most confusion regarding China-U.S. relations resides in “understanding problems,” and the fundamental way out lies in making “wise strategic choices.”
“It is believed that under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, local exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States would likely return to the fast lane. The China-U.S. Subnational Legislatures Cooperation Forum will usher in new developments,” Lin said.
Stephen Lakis, president of the SLLF, said it is time for the United States and China to resume dialogue at the local level.
“The SLLF will continue to cooperate with the CPAFFC to enhance the dynamic relationship between the U.S. and Chinese people,” he said. – Agencies