Chinese youth representatives tell COVID-19 fight stories

BEIJING: A meeting was held on Monday in Beijing where youth representatives who had fought the COVID-19 epidemic on the front lines gave lectures and reports about their deeds.
A total of eight youth representatives from the front lines of the anti-epidemic battle told their stories during the event at the Great Hall of the People.
The speakers, selected from a group of young people with outstanding contributions to the COVID-19 response, included Wu Chao, one of the young Party members in the medical team sent by Peking University to assist medical efforts in the worst-hit Hubei Province. Also speaking at the event were Xiao Shuai, head of the youth construction team of Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei, and Tu Keai, a police officer in Wuhan who returned to his post after recovering from COVID-19.
The meeting was jointly organized by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, and the Central Military Commission. The youth representatives will hold similar events in other provinces in three groups, with a major event due to take place in Wuhan. – Agencies