Climate change and nuclear energy

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has released a report on nuclear energy titled “Nuclear Energy for a Net Zero World” in recent days.
The special report highlights nuclear power’s critical role in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development by removing coal and other fossil fuels, while enabling the use of renewable energy during the coming days.
According to reports, the UN Climate Change Conference is being held in Glasgow in coming days and the governments, businesses and social leaders across the world will gather to discuss the global problem of Climate change.
According to IAEA’s report, replacing 20% of coal generation with 250 Giga watts of nuclear generation would reduce emissions by 2 Giga tons CO2, or around 15% of electricity sector emissions per year.
Nuclear power can also substitute coal-fired boilers for district heating and industry. An IMF’s estimate shows that investments in nuclear power generate a larger economic impact than those in other forms of energy, while making it among the most effective actions for a sustainable economic recovery.
The ongoing phenomenon of climate change has posed a serious challenge to the survival of humanity on the earth. The existential threat has compelled staunch rivals like the United States, Russia, and China to sit under one roof to deter this common threat to all living organisms.
There is a general perception that power generating plants have a greater share in polluting the environment whereas a recent study of International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed that non-power sectors including steel, cement and chemical production, shipping, and air transport together account for around 60% of energy-related global emissions. According to experts, this type of emissions involves deployment of heat or energy carriers which can easily be met through nuclear power.
Presently, various options of clean energy are available to mankind, but nuclear energy is the most suitable to the present-day needs. Currently, IAEA’s Chief is blatantly advocating the use of nuclear energy to overcome the climate challenge, however Grossi must ask world’s Sheriffs that this natural phenomenon must be allowed to other nations for the common good.