Climate Summit ends with leaders urging action

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: The Climate Action Summit wrapped up Friday evening after some 70 world leaders, including Prime Minister Imran Khan, delivered a raft of new measures aimed at making a big dent in greenhouse gas emissions, and ensuring that the warming of the planet is limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Speaking to reporters at UN Headquarters in New York, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres especially mentioned the announcement by PM Khan that Pakistan was scrapping plans for new coal power plants.
“Pakistan announced no new coal power plants,” the UN chief said, as he recounted the number of countries coming forward with strengthened national climate plans (NDCs), with commitments covering some of the world’s biggest emitters on display.
Pakistan has seen coal power capacity increase from very low levels to a substantial 5 gigawatts over the past five years. But in his address to the online summit, Prime minister Imran Khan said that 60% of all energy by 2030 will be from renewables and 30% of all vehicles will be powered by electricity. On his Twitter account, Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Munir Akram drew attention to Pakistani premier’s ambitious plan as part of country’s unwavering commitment toward combating climate change.
Meanwhile, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi failed to make new concrete announcements on the climate ambition of the world’s third-largest polluter. Modi only reiterated commitments announced in previous months, including increasing the country’s renewable power capacity to 175 gigawatts before 2022 and to 450 gigawatts by 2030.China’s President Xi Jinping committed to increasing the share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy consumption to around 25% by 2030.
Britain, which is hosting next year’s UN Climate Conference, announced that it will cut emissions by 68 per cent, compared to 1990 levels, within the next five years, and the European Union bloc committed to a 55 per cent cut over the same time period. Small island nations are not among large emitters of greenhouse gases, but they’re among the most affected by global warming, said Barbados PM Mia Mottley.