Climate-vulnerable Pakistan needs effective flood warning system

ISLAMABAD: Countries vulnerable to the impacts of climate change including Pakistan need an effective flood warning system to minimise damages in such a situation.
In Pakistan, this year’s floods were unprecedented in size and magnitude. Total rainfall received was three times more than the 30-year average.
Ikramuddin, Director of Flood Forecasting Division (FFD), told WealthPK that the government of Pakistan had installed early flood warning systems in different parts of the country in partnership with international organizations to ensure their effectiveness.
The FFD helps the nation by improving meteorological and hydrological services to produce timely and accurate flood forecasts and warnings. The department works with disaster managers to prepare for and respond to flood emergencies. The FFD assists the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with glacier mapping to deliver early flood warnings in the country’s northern parts.
Ikramuddin pointed out that large glacial ice in the upper Hunza River basin had disappeared. This represents a substantial loss of water storage capacity and could lead to increased flooding in future. He said mapping is required to create comprehensive elevation maps of glaciers in the region using data from NASA satellites. He said the FFD may use these maps to track glacier volume and movement changes, which can help them anticipate flooding episodes.
Ikramuddin explained that the FFD also uses weather models in flood warning systems.
“These models use data on indicators like temperature, precipitation, and wind speed to predict where and how a severe flood might be. This warning system is often used in urban areas with many potential flooding hotspots,” he said.
The FFD director informed that the department also intends to deploy radar technology to issue flood warnings.
“This technique may detect changes in the water levels in reservoirs, indicating that a flood is occurring or soon to occur. Radar devices may also be used to follow the route of floodwater, which can assist emergency personnel in planning their response,” he said.
Ikramuddin said the FFD had issued early warnings for the 2022 floods.
“Most of these floods were caused by significant rainfall from mature weather systems. These floods are not caused by river overflows, particularly in Sindh and Balochistan provinces,” he said.
Floods are driven by an increase in the frequency of heavy rain, modifications to the upstream land use, and an increase in the population and asset concentration in flood-prone areas.
Ikramuddin said the flood warning systems have several advantages.
“The most apparent advantage is that they can save lives by providing ample time for people to relocate and find shelter. They can also aid in minimizing harm to infrastructure and property. Early warnings can offer homeowners enough time to transfer their possessions to higher ground or take measures to keep their houses safe from flooding,” he added.