CM assures to resolve issues of Dairy Farmers

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has assured to resolve the issues faced by the dairy farmers of province on priority basis.
He was talking to a delegation of dairy farmers association including Rashid Haleem of Ever Fresh Farms, Anjum Zafar of Eastern Dairies, Faizan Elahi of Sapphire Dairies, Muhammad Kaleem of Athoor Limited and Haroon MK Lodhi of Corporate Dairy Farmers Association which called on him at his office here on Monday.
The delegation apprised the chief minister about the problems of the livestock and dairy farming sector and prayed for early resolution of the issues.
CM Pervaiz Elahi issued instructions to resolve the issues and imposed a ban on the interprovincial transportation of maize in Punjab. The maize would not be taken out of the province to meet the needs of livestock, especially the poultry industry and dairy farming.
This decision would benefit the local poultry industry by meeting its needs; he said and added that instructions have been issued to the DPOs and deputy commissioners of the respective districts to prevent the transportation and movement of maize on the exit routes of Punjab.
He also directed the livestock department to prepare the provincial livestock policy in consultation with the stakeholders. A committee was also formed under Provincial Livestock Minister Sardar Shahabuddin to formulate a livestock policy. –Agencies