CM visits free Flour supply site in Lahore

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Naqvi in continuation of his visits at the different points to ensure the supply of free flour to the masses has inspected a model bazar located in the Township of Lahore. According to details, the Chief Minister inspected the facilities and interacted with the visiting public. The CM took strict notice of the complaints of some men and women and directed the commissioner and deputy commissioner Lahore to immediately resolve the issues.
“Free flour should be given to every citizen who comes to the sale point,” he added.
Syed Mohsin Naqvi checked the quality and weight of flour and also inquired about the supply of flour from the peo-ple at the point.

A number of people also appreciated the Ramazan package and apprised the CM that they received their flour bags in just a few minutes without any difficulty.

Some citizens complained about the non-verification of CNICs and the slow speed of the system. Similarly, some oth-ers complained about giving them one or two days’ time for collecting flour bags.

Similarly, he also expressed resentment for giving time and said that this behavior was not acceptable in any case. He directed to provide flour to the people present in the centre today positively.

He also inspected CNICs verification counters and assured the citizens of immediate solution of their problems.