Commanders’ ready to foil Indian actions

THE 237th corps commanders’ conference reviewed the geo-strategic, regional and national security environment and matters pertaining to internal security. Serious concern was shown over irrefutable evidence of Indian state sponsored terrorism and efforts to destabilise Pakistan. The evidence brings to limelight India’s nefarious design to sabotage CPEC and its involvement in financing and training of terrorist organisations. Progress of the Afghan peace process was also reviewed. Addressing the corps commanders’ conference, Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa said that it was duty of Armed Forces to transform the challenges faced by the country into opportunities and prosperity of the nation. He said, “Pakistan Army, with the support of state institutions and, is fully prepared to thwart all internal and external challenges.” In the current scenario, Pakistan Army is performing multifarious responsibilities. They defend the geographical frontiers of the country; combat the menace of terrorism; extend unflinching support to civil administration at the time of natural calamities; and contribute in a big way to national development.
From the past seven years, India has kept tension high along the line of control by daily ceasefire violations. Indian forces are targeting check post of security forces and civilian population in Azad Kashmir. India’s political and military leadership frequently make provocative statements containing threats of surgical strikes. India is using the soil of Afghanistan for carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan. To make the western border safe, Pakistan Army is doing fencing of Pak-Afghan borders and is participating in the execution of development work in the tribal districts of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. The dossier of Indian state sponsored terrorism has been presented to five permanent members of the Security Council by Pakistan’s and UN Secretary General. Bad governance of the governments has taken a heavy toll the capacity of civilian organisations that have the responsibility to effectively deal with situation arising out of natural calamities such as floods, earthquake, and locust attacks. After the recurring arrivals of locust swarms in the current year the department of plant protection had three rundown air planes. Army aviation provided support for smashing locust swarms that visited the country.