COMSATS’s ASA to go on strike if demands not met

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The General Body Meeting (GBM) of the ASA-CUI Islamabad Chapter was held here the other day. Dr. Muhammad Jadoon President ASA-CUI Islamabad Chapter presented the agenda of GBM among members.
The faculty expressed displeasure over the ongoing Ad-hoc setup and unnecessary procedural delays by the administration, demanding an immediate Selection Board and the implementation of the Basic Pay Scale (BPS) in the university.
According to statutes, pro-rectors should have been appointed, but these positions have never been filled. The faculty unanimously demanded an immediate Selection Board across all cadres.
The growth of institutions is linked to the career growth of individuals. It has been almost two years since the last Selection Board for OG faculty, and since 2018, only two Selection Boards have been conducted across all cadres.
The faculty further demanded that at least two full-fledged Selection Boards be conducted each year. A strong protest was recorded by the faculty regarding unnecessary delays in processing the dossiers of TTS faculty.
The notification regarding these cases was issued more than six months ago, but despite the submission of dossiers, nothing concrete has been done to process them further. The faculty demanded the adoption of a timeline for processing such cases and the imposition of responsibility on those who are delaying them, thereby harming the faculty.
University employees, including faculty working on the OG scale and staff working on the SG scale, have repeatedly demanded the implementation of a Basic Pay Scale (BPS) as seen in other federal universities.
The general body of the association reiterated that if these demands are not met, the association may call for a protest and strike in the near future.