COMSTECH offers fully funded scholarships to Gambia

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: COMSTECH, the OIC Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation in collaboration with The University of Lahore (UoL), has announced an exciting opportunity for the Staff of Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH) of Gambia.
This is offering 15 fully funded scholarships in a variety of fields of study, including Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, Management Sciences, Statistics, Medical Imaging Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Systems, and Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences. These scholarships are available for students at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. levels. Chairman Board of Governors of UoL, Awais Raoof, said that they intended to facilitate the education and health sectors of the Gambia through scholarships and capacity building.
As the EFSTH is the only teaching hospital in the Gambia, and the main referral center for the whole country with a capacity of over 600 beds, I strongly believe that our support will uplift their health sector and considerably contribute to the community as well. We are committed to further enhance the scope of our support to EFSTH and the people of Gambia in the future, he expressed.
Awais Raoof said that all selected students would have the opportunity to study at UoL and the primary goal of these scholarships was to support and uplift the education and health sector in The Gambia. This is an incredible opportunity for students to pursue their educational dreams and contribute to the growth and development of their country, he added.
COMSTECH expresses its gratitude towards the management of The University of Lahore for their unwavering support and their dedication to this noble cause, as well as their support for COMSTECH and its programs.
The scholarships being offered will not only provide financial assistance but also provide an opportunity to gain exposure to a different culture and diverse academic environment, Awais Raoof concluded.