Cooperation system helps CPC govern

BEIJING: China’s political party system provides an alternative for the development of global political party systems and the search for a better social system for humanity, Chinese officials said.
They made the remarks at a conference in Beijing on Tuesday on the progress and achievements in upholding and improving the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the past 10 years. Under China’s basic political system, there are eight other political parties besides the CPC that accept the leadership of the CPC and jointly participate in the administration of State affairs. Prominent individuals without political party affiliation also play roles in China’s political system. Chen Xu, deputy head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, said that this is a new political model that is neither the one-party system that lacks democracy, nor the multiparty system based on competition.
“It creates a brand-new relationship among political parties,” Chen said. “The CPC and other political parties enjoy a cooperative and harmonious relationship.”
As the ruling party, the CPC creates the conditions for other parties to participate in government affairs and as participating parties, non-CPC parties assist the ruling party, she said.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item