Cops adopt precautionary measures

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: “Capital Cops have taken up elaborate measures of safety for it’s personnel, against Coronavirus and also for the complainants visiting police stations to register their complaints”, stated IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar, here on Tuesday.
According to details, he said that scanning of all visitors to the police stations, would be done along briefing about precautionary measures against the virus. All police officials would monitor the arrangements in this regard so that the personnel may accomplish their responsibilities in an efficient manner.
As par the instructions of the IGP, all facilities have been ensured to prevent people as well as cop personnel, from Coronavirus, at the police stations, CIA office and Police Lines Headquarters. The aim of these measures is to ensure safety to cops so that they serve the people with dedication while also spreading awareness among the masses about the virus threat at hand.
Moreover, senior police officials are also monitoring the overall arrangements made to prevent policemen and visitors from the deadly virus.