Cops hold open Katchehry live on Facebook

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops on Friday orgainsed a facebook open katchehry to give the residents direct access to the police high ups as per the vision of Prime Minister of Pakistan.
IGP Islamabad Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman responded to the public queries. DG Safe City Project, SSP Operations, SSP Investigation, SSP Headquarters, SSP Traffic, SSP Security and other senior police officers were also present on the occasion. Speaking to the citizens, the IG said that the police were striving to redress public issues as early as possible. People from across Pakistan put their proposals before the IG. Most of the issues related to traffic, delay in registration of FIR, activities of land-grabbers and drug-peddlers, and police attitude. The IGP issued directions to the concerned police officers on the spot and assured the citizens of resolving their issues.

The facebook live katchehry continued from 4pm to 6pm in which hundreds of citizens and police employees expressed their views. According to the police officials, more than 1600 people through facebook and over 50 people through phone conveyed their problems to the IGP. More than 15,000 people participated in the programme directly, said the officials further. They said the purpose of the activity was to bring the public and police closer to each other. The IGP told the participants that the activity would continue in the coming days as well.