Cops lock kidnapper of 5-year old behind bars

-Recover abducted girl
-Book man for setting ablaze flat, recover two girls
By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops on Friday recovered a five-year old girl, kidnapped for ransom, while rescuing two girls from a burning flat.
According to details, Sabiha Khanam reported at PS Golra that her five-year old daughter Muqadas Bibi had been allegedly kidnapped by some Malik Rab Nawaz who had demanded an amount of Rs3,00,000 as ransom. IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar took notice of this incident and directed DIG Operations Waqar-ud-Din Syed to ensure recovery of the abducted girl. DIG Operations in turn constituted a team under the supervision of SP Saddar Sarfaraz Ahmed Virk which also included DSP Khalid Mehmud Awan and PS Golra’s SHO.
The team worked and succeeded to recover the girl safely besides arrest of the kidnapper Malik Rab Nawaz. The heirs of the girl thanked Capital Cops for their cooperation and prompt action in recovering their abducted girl.

Meanwhile, PS Ramana took immediate action following information from Rescue 15 and saved two girls namely Nazia Sadiq and Kainat from a burning room of a flat in sector G-10/3 which was set on fire by their uncle over domestic dispute. PS Ramna team headed by ASP Rana Abdul Wahab managed to extinguish fire and also arrested the uncle of the girls Asif Maseeh. Further investigation is underway into the matter.
IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar and DIG Operations have appreciated the performance of the cops while announcing cash prizes and commendation certificates for the entire teams.