Corona Vaccine arrival in Pakistan

MARGARET Keenan aged 90 became the world’s first person to receive Corona vaccination. This vaccine is manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech. The day is being named as “V-day” and England’s Health Secretary, Matt Hancock said that “we will look back on today, V-day, as a key moment in our fight against this terrible disease.” While the Britishers definitely needs to be given applause for their innovation against this catastrophe, for Pakistan and Prime Minister Imran Khan the challenge remains of how Corona vaccination will reach Pakistan. So far, on the management side of the government, there is not much which can be glorified. Although pharmaceutical giant Pfizer exists in Pakistan but at the moment they wish to remain mum because they know that they are not in the position to make the vaccination available in Pakistan. According to Pfizer the said vaccination can only be transported in something which has minus 70 Celsius cold temperature. Russia on the other hand has come up with their own Corona vaccination called “Sputnik” and several other nations are competing in this race including China. But every nation will of course give preference to its own citizens first and President Trump was not shy to acknowledge this publicly as well by saying that the vaccination will first be given to Americans.
In such circumstances, the unknown health secretaries and health ministers of this poor country should wake up from their silk beds. They should realize that Corona has claimed the lives of over 1.5 million people globally. Federal government along with provincial government needs to tell us when will we be getting this vaccination. Pakistani nation is fine with it if initially the vaccination is given to the elderly, the doctors and pregnant women just like the rest of just nations. But at the moment people are excited to see the cure of Corona and want to see their dear ones recover as well. The higher the death rate in Pakistan, the higher will be the anger of the people of Pakistan against the present government. Of course this will lead to the flourish of the mafias, who are on a look out like hyenas. It is an opportunity as well for Prime Minister Imran Khan to at least partially fix the pharmaceutical mafia in Pakistan. Just like every other industry, pharmaceutical industry has a huge role in ruining the health sector in Pakistan. Government must insure the earliest availability of Corona vaccination to the people of Pakistan and there should be nothing more important than this task right now.