Country lacks proper Disaster Management System

By Asad Cheema

ISLAMABAD: Former President ICCI Shahid Rasheed Butt on Wednesday said the federal and provincial governments as well as the city administration has disappointed the masses and business community of Karachi due to their poor performance.
K-Electric, KWSB, and other institutions have shown pathetic performance during the torrential rains which have added to the miseries of masses and resulted in heavy losses while there is absence of proper system of disaster management in the country, he said.
Shahid Rasheed Butt said that federal and provincial governments and local bodies are struggling to get maximum share in the pie but nobody is ready to feel some responsibility regarding city which is contributing more than 60 percent of the revenue.
He said that the city needs concrete steps to uplift basic infrastructure which has been exposed by the rains. Rainwater has entered houses, factories, and warehouses and caused a heavy loss to the business community at large while most parts of the city remain without electricity bringing life to a standstill, he observed.