COVID affects education across Pakistan

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: From a number of months, there is being played a Hide-and-Seek phenomenon regarding the student’s exams and their Studies. Student could not achieved the required syllabus in minimized time period due to coronavirus pandemic across the country and closure of the education Institutions.
The survey report conducted with the support of Engineer M. Osama Mahmood, it has come to know transparently that, there was more better and significant, would that the Government were in the position to consult the triangle of teachers, parents and students! There were many positive solutions of these problems which could not get still any stability; how to conduct exams?
We, human beings are to weak too change the phenomenon of the nature.
If the Government desires to smoothen the ways of students’ issues of education and their exams issues, there would be the dire need to consult and take opinions of the head teachers, and therefore then the result of this strategy will be more accurate & of potentialities than the programs which are being again and again stated by the Government representatives.
Form March [the season of starting the exams] could not allow us to appear our students due to Coronavirus Pandemic; But if giving the exams in four terms instead of one step, uptill now all the burden of giving the exams could be solved and surely the results and the result cards from Matric to Higher Education exams were in the hands of the students.
Power of the decision is a God bestowed quality, whom every one cannot use, but there were many minds in the Education department, who could give good advice in time if they were engaged properly, but our system has decided that the teacher community is a creation of the third world, whereas they are the creation of the first world, can anyone deny by this actuality & factually as per speaking of the mature? and why they are not consulted on priority?
Uncertainty the syllabuses were the same and this equal short syllabus could be made accomodated in four times exam appearance with 25% ratio in each exam of the candidates. This was the best way to keep everything ensured regarding the SOPs and end of all exams within two months increasing with the examination staff and paper marking staff.
Twisting ways of examination and students’ study cannot ensure the accuracy and stability in future also. This phenomenon adopted by the current policy makers, can be checked in future which will badly fail the educational norms and values.
This triangle of students, parents and teachers can provide awareness of, how to conduct exams and continue the studies in future, because we are still unknown to observe and foresee the coming situations of coronavirus pandemic.
It will be more better and is the dire need of time to bound all the Chief Executive Officers of District Education Authority to collect data for the solution of matters through the Head Teachers /Principals/VCc, because these heads of Education Institutions can provide more authentic ways after consulting their students and their parents.
It is a surprising matter, why in the past Government representatives and bureaucracy did not value the consultancy of teachers who have a wide experience of these matters.
They can do many other tasks besides using NSB and educating their students.
We cannot deny from the natural facts, figures and circumstances that, even from a peon to PM all passes through the hands, education and training of the teachers.
Whenever any Education Policy is needed to frame, teachers’ consultancy must be adopted for sack of concrete and good policy, otherwise we will be unable educationally, professionally to face the developed countries of the world.
It is not necessary that the policy makers of any country may have full knowledge of the educational needs & necessities at grass root level.
Government secs and Policy makers ought to be obligees of teachers’ community, alone Policy makers of Education cannot give authentic policy for the public & mutual Interests without justified consultancy of good and extraordinary minds present in educational faculties.
There is a matter of students’ better training along with the education; this issue demands the parental attitude of the teachers with the students. Teacher are disculpated when they punish their own children, and become guilty when they punish the students, but it must be acknowledged that these students are also their own children likewise.
Without the determination of punishment, we cannot run the society and smoothen the ways of Societal progress.
Teacher sometimes is forced to apply certain educational techniques to accelerate his students, but is forced to live away from such costly techniques due to the unnatural policies.
There is a observable contradiction, the parents often ask the teachers to educate and train their children, even you can use any methodology including appropriate punishment, but policy does not reflect this phenomenon. Policy says, No Punishment, But Love” Perhaps the policy makers from decades don’t have trust over the teachers. If a teacher is not a trustee person, why they are recruited in such a sensitive department.
The travellers in buses daily observe that the students at Khurranwala, Shahkot, Manawala, Sheikupura, Johal Chak and including many other stops throw stones, briks on the buses and many travellers get injured besides breaking the windows of the buses and teacher can do what?
They have the right to teach, but no right to have specific training for them. So what can be concluded by this saying “Spare the rod and spoil the child” The parents, students and teachers demand an appropriate policy with the due consultancy with them from time to time in order to save the nation and its future asset students at any cost. New Pakistan means all changes with respect to natural phenomena, because natural laws are equal for all the people and such laws as well as policies would be accepted by all who are living in this dear homeland.