CPC advances Socialism with Chinese style, says official

The Communist Party of China has led to profound changes in the international landscape by contributing Chinese wisdom and solutions for solving problems facing mankind, said Qu Qingshan, head of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee.
Qu made the remark on Sunday as he summarized the contributions made by the CPC at the first news conference held for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the CPC’s founding, which falls on July 1.
Qu noted that the CPC has always safeguarded the principle of independence and upholding the interests of developing countries.
“We believe that countries, regardless of their size, wealth and strength, stand as equals. We stand against colonialism, hegemony and power politics,” he added.
According to Qu, the CPC’s great contribution to the world is that it made socialism with Chinese characteristics the mainstay of socialism in the world.
“The 100 years from 1921 to 2021 have witnessed an extraordinary journey of the CPC,” he said, noting that the Party has united and led the Chinese people to get over obstacles and made accomplishments with bloodshed, sweat and tears, courage and wisdom as well as resilience. When asked why the century-old CPC could retain its resilience and vitality while many other political parties have failed to stand the test of history, Jiang Shuping, a senior researcher at the institute, said at the news conference that one of the reasons is because the Party always stays at the forefront of the times.
“Over the past years, the CPC has used basic Marxist theories to analyze the trend of history, to properly handle relationship between China and the rest of the world. As a result, it has been able to grasp and make the most of the trends of history,” Jiang said. – Agencies