CPC expells it’s Shaanxi Chief

BEIJING: Zhao Zhengyong, former Party chief of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province and a former senior national legislator, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) over serious violations of disciplines and laws, the top anti-graft body announced. Zhao strayed from his ideals and convictions and was disloyal to the Party, according to a statement issued by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. An investigation found that Zhao performed his duty perfunctorily, resisted authorities’ investigation, violated the eight-point code on Party and government conduct by seeking and using privileges waywardly, connived with his relatives by allowing them to interfere in personnel promotion, the statement said. It also noted that Zhao abused his power to seek benefits for others in terms of job promotions, energy resources exploration and utilization, business activities and project contracting and received a huge amount of gifts and money in return. Zhao violated the Party’s disciplinary standards on politics, organization, clean governance and life, and is suspected of taking bribes, the statement said, adding that he showed no signs of restraint even after the 18th CPC National Congress. Zhao’s qualification for delegates to the 13th CPC Shaanxi Provincial Congress was terminated, while his illicit gains would be confiscated. – The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item