CPC governance legitimacy shines despite global unrest

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BEIJING: The Communist Party of China (CPC) is embracing its 99th anniversary as it leads the country’s homestretch toward building a moderately prosperous society in all respects despite the impact of COVID-19 and a global economic recession.
The CPC has reaffirmed its commitment to realizing its first centenary goal of creating a well-off society for 1.4 billion Chinese people on schedule. This transformation will be one of the world’s most exciting stories in modern history.
This miracle is created by a political party that has faced misunderstanding, distrust and even misjudgement that its existence would be short-lived.
Uncertainties ripple through the world today, calling into question the definition of governance legitimacy. In this context, the CPC’s ideas and practices are increasingly relevant and inspiring in the eyes of the international community.
Ever since the Party’s founding on July 1, 1921, the Chinese communists have been struggling to seek fulfillment for the Chinese people, and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. After seven decades of governance, the CPC has transformed China from an isolated agricultural society into the world’s second-largest open economy.
Now the CPC is leading the nation’s battle to wipe out the absolute poverty that has haunted the nation for thousands of years. The Party sends its finest cadres to the frontlines to make sure not a single family is left behind on the nation’s way to common prosperity.
Sticking to its people-centered philosophy, the Party never stops striving to meet the people’s needs for a better life, ranging from those in education, employment, medical services and housing, to environment, security, and fairness and justice.
The Party has no special interests of its own. It has never been afraid of breaking the shelters of vested interests, and sweeping out obstacles hampering development.
That is why the CPC is competent to think both strategically and pragmatically. The leadership keeps its eye on the country’s sustainable future and formulates long-term plans, while at the same time setting short-term goals to solve prominent issues that concern the people the most.
A recent survey by the Pew Research Center finds China tops the 2019 global rankings in terms of the levels of satisfaction with government performance, with over 86 percent of Chinese surveyed expressing satisfaction, far above the global average of 47 percent.
This wide public support is the key to the CPC’s strength and confidence in long-term governance.
The CPC has created China’s recipe for success, officially called “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” It is a path suited to China’s national conditions.
Following this path, China keeps pushing forward reform and opening up. The market-government relationship, where the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation and the government better serves its duty, boosts steady and healthy economic development. Stability is maintained. Social creativity is sparked. The principle of “the people running the country” is put into practice in China’s political and social activities.
China is proving its resilience in the face of challenges, with its innovation faster, middle class bigger, cultural life richer, and confidence stronger than ever before.
As the global economy contracts by 4.9-percent in a coronavirus-driven plunge in output, China is the only major economy that could see growth this year, according to a forecast by the International Monetary Fund.
To have the courage to carry out self-reform and conduct strict self-governance is the most distinctive part of the Party’s character. The CPC has drawn lessons from many political forces that have failed to break the historical cycle of gaining political power only to lose it. It tightens discipline, improves work styles, fights corruption, and punishes wrongdoing. China has also completed massive institutional reform, touching upon a wide range of entities of the Party and the state, paving the way for future development. Its self-reform will never end.
The CPC is a dynamic organization with a strong ability to learn and to adapt. It has been advancing theoretical explorations and adapting Marxism to a Chinese context. By improving itself, the CPC has enhanced its ability to lead the country in the course of innovation-driven, coordinated, green, open, and shared development.
The CPC upholds democratic centralism. It fully expands intraparty democracy, giving play to the initiative and creativity of Party organizations at all levels as well as its members. Once decisions are made, they should be effectively implemented.