‘CPC serves the Chinese people wholeheartedly’

BEIJING: The Communist Party of China (CPC) wholeheartedly serves the people and sees that everything is for the people and everything relies on the people.
This was stated by Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry here at a news conference on Tuesday.
It had been pointed out that U.S. Assistant Secretary of State David Stilwell made a speech on October 30 to slam the CPC and China’s united front work. :
Recacting to it, the spokesperson said the speech is filled with distortion and discredit of the CPC and the united front work. His words are nothing but political lies.
He added: “”The CPC led the Chinese people in achieving remarkable progress in the revolution and national development, and they have won the people’s wholehearted endorsement.
Attempts to drive a wedge between the CPC and the Chinese people are doomed to fail.
The fundamental principle of the CPC-led united front is to promote solidarity and cooperation between the CPC and all political parties, social strata, ethnic groups, organizations and circles.
By enhancing consensus, coordinating relations and making more friends with deeper friendship, we can pool efforts and ideas from all to work for national prosperity, social harmony and people’s wellbeing.
China always promotes inclusiveness and mutual learning between civilizations, as well as “harmonious co-existence, win-win cooperation and peaceful development” between countries.
By uniting overseas Chinese including our students, we are fully leveraging their role as a bridge between China and other countries that contributes to people-to-people and cultural exchange and friendly ties. What China has done is completely above-board.
China has long been pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace and committed to the path of peaceful development. We never seek hegemony or expansion.
That’s why China has so many friends all over the world. The label of “infiltration” and “threat” can never be pinned on China. The international community sees it very clearly.
Recently some U.S. officials have been shouting themselves hoarse to slander China with the intention to shift the blame.
However, lies are lies, and repetition never turns a lie into truth. We urge those in the United States to stop spreading rumors against China or playing the despicable yet ineffective tricks, because their lie are already seen through by the world.” – Agencies