CPEC-Internship initiative aims to empower Pakistani youth

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: In an inclusive and democratic society pattern, the role of youth in building economic prosperity, social cohesion and political stability is pivotal. But the jobless youth around the globe are yearning to accomplish their goals, as they have passions, dreams and hopes to achieve something special.
There is much to learn from the story of modern China which has had a direct link to the intelligence and modern equipped youth who had swiftly taken the country to the pathway of success.
It is a well-known fact that the youth of any country is a great as its role in nation-building is indeed rich. The skilled youths, are ‘building-blocks’ of any country, which are the true future resource and represent it at all levels.
According to federal government’s annual plan 2020-21 document, Pakistan has the 9th largest labour force in the world, which is increasing every year.
The number of employed workers will reach 62.91m in 2020-21 from 62.18m in 2019-20, the document says.
Therefore, maintaining a dynamic relationship between technical education and employment is highly important.
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority Chairman Lieutenant General (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa on August 15 had announced the launch of a ‘three-month CPEC internship’.
In his tweet, the chairman CPEC has said that “in the spirit of youth empowerment, CPEC has offered the youth of Pakistan an opportunity to develop skills and experiences that would allow Pakistan to grow and prosper in the future.”
The internship is an inclusive, national project, focusing on human and social development and will involve 60 percent of youth, Asim Saleem Bajwa said.
National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) Executive Director Dr Nasir said that the government, despite limited resources, was aiming at providing jobs to the youth, to put the country on the path of development and prosperity. “Therefore it is necessary to equip the youth with different skills so that they are able to make both ends meet,” he said.
To a question he said that unemployed youth were taking keen interest in availing the opportunity of three month Internship programme which would make them skilled in vocational and technical man power areas.
“After completing the internship programme in different courses, the youth would become a earning hand for the country besides ensuring them a respectable living and supporting their families,” he said.
He said that in view of the significance of entrepreneurship in job creation and economic development of the country, the three month CPEC-Internship programme of the incumbent PTI government was a step in the right direction. He said that the initiative would help support country’s youth through technical assistance in pursuance of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s pledge to create 10 million jobs.
Muhammad Rafiullah, a noted engineer told APP that the annual plan, according to government claims, would help focus on creating gainful employment opportunities under the broader framework of its plans for economic growth and reforms, while giving solutions and responsive measures to protect workers and their jobs amid COVID-19 situation.