CPEC is symbol of development, prosperity, asserts Maryam

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz said on Monday the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was a symbol of development, prosperity and hope. The Punjab CM felicitated Chinese Consul General Zhao Shiren on the 75th national day of People Re-public of China and attended the ceremony.
Maryam Nawaz congratulated Chinese brothers and sisters on behalf of the nation and people of Pun-jab on the national day.
She stated that the Chinese people not only cooperated in development but also extended friend-ship.
She hailed the CPEC for “revolutionising Pakistan’s economic landscape” which is also lauded by the citizens.
Maryam Nawaz said China’s unwavering contribution for humanity, peace and cooperation was com-mendable.
“We respect Chinese nation and China’s success is a role model for us,” she said.
China always supported Pakistan through thick and thin and the two countries cooperated for a peace-ful and prosperous future. China’s role in resolving every global crisis was exemplary, she said.
The Chinese consul general commended the people-friendly initiatives of Punjab CM including Nawaz Sharif IT City, Air Ambulance Service, Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar programme and a cancer hospital.
The Chinese dignitary said the solar panel programme would provide relief to the public.