CPEC projects hailed for regional development

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Speakers at a webinar said that there was a large scope for cooperation on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) among China, Pakistan and the Central Asian States (CASs) which includes energy production, mining industry, food industry and agriculture.
The webinar titled “China Pakistan Economic Corridor & Central Asia: Evolving Connectivity” was organized by Lahore Center for Peace Research.
Speaking in the webinar Former Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Botsali (Turkey) said that world is facing drastic changes with unforeseeable consequences ( due to Covid-19 pandemic) and they have reshaped the parameters of interaction, between states and individuals.
It has undermined the present world order and is contributing to shaping a new world order. Furthermore, he added that success of the projects with the vision of connectivity is linked to peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Deputy Director, Center for South Asian Studies, Fudan University, China
Lin Minwang said that ‘inclusivity and mutuality’ are the hallmarks of BRI and the CPEC is the most successful project in BRI framework.
He added that China has launched several projects in Central Asia and Afghanistan under BRI initiative and is now thinking to connect all the projects of BRI to enhance their impact.
Moreover, he noted that China is facilitating Afghan Peace Process and is also promoting relations between Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asian Republics.
Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Pakistan Erik Beishembiev pointed out that the globalization has turned the world into an interdependent entity.
He added that Kyrgyz republic see the CPEC as a catalyst for economic growth.