‘CPEC reflects Pakistan, China unbreakable ties’

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a reflection of the unbreakable friendship between Pakistan and China, said Information Minister Shibli Faraz at a news conference on Sunday afternoon.
Shibli Faraz said the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf-led government was committed to completing the CPEC projects at the earliest. He said the PTI will honor the CPEC agreements.
Shibli Faraz said CPEC did not belong to a party but the whole of Pakistan. “China has signed this agreement with Pakistan not a political party. It is an agreement between the two governments which will be implemented,” he added.
The minister said every country takes decisions on the basis of its national interest and “CPEC is in the interest of Pakistan. We will safeguard it” and “the elements opposing the CPEC will fail”. Earlier, Shibli Faraz said that the way Pakistan and China conduct their relationship was unique and has never been seen anywhere in the world.
“These relations are based on mutual respect and understanding. China always stood with Pakistan in difficult times. We hope to take Pakistan-China friendship to next level,” he had said yesterday in a media interaction.
Shibli Faraz said the addition of agricultural component in CPEC would help developing scientific farming, increasing crop yield and ensuring food security in the country.
The minister said that cultural diplomacy was vital in promoting people-to-people contacts and enhancing understanding of each other’s values and traditions.
He said cultural events in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Baluchistan as well as in Gilgit-Baltistan would be well received.