Crackdown continues against SOPs violators

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Number of cases infected with COVID-19 in Karachi have surged due to which the administration across districts has cracked down against those violating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
The district administration has moved against restaurants, marriage halls, markets and shops found violating SOPs.
Depending on the extent of violations the businesses have either been warned, fined or even sealed.
The crackdown by the city administration, since Sept 30, came in order to curb the reemergence of COVID-19 numbers and it is parallel to the micro-smart lockdown imposed by the government in particular zones, areas where the number of cases has risen.
According to the data released by the commissioner office, of the past four days, 32 marriage halls have been warned to watch their violations, while five have been penalized with a fine. On the other hand, the administration across the districts in Karachi have left warnings for 189 restaurants on the violation of SOPs, while it has fined 38 restaurants. The same way the restaurants, about 165 of them, for their utter disregard of laid out SOPs, have been sealed by the authorities.
Moreover, the number of shops not following the SOPs have also suffered the wrath of authorities as three shops have been sealed while two have been heavily fined.
According to the break-up of the actions taken against the number of businesses across Karachi, the South district administration fined five marriage halls and 14 restaurants while it sealed 43 restaurants and three shops.