Creating turmoil

IT appears that hotchpotch alliance of 11 opposition parties PDM is hell bent on creating chaos in the country, shutting their eyes to the tensed situation along the Line of Control and ongoing violence in Afghanistan. Addressing a press conference, Information Minister Senator Shibli Faraz deplored that opposition was directly attacking the institutions of the state with their nefarious design to create division in them. He said that the speech of former Speaker Ayaz Sadiq on the floor of National Assembly has caused anger among the patriotic people of the country.
The Information Minister said that how Indian media used the insulting remarks of Ayaz Sadiq as lethal ammunition against Pakistan. He recalled that since the publication of Dawn leaks, a fabricated story by Nawaz Sharif dynasty, there was continuity of incidents, which showed that country was being pushed toward instability at time when unfortunately India was using statements of opposition leaders to unleash propaganda against Pakistan.
The strings of PDM are being pulled by the former disqualified Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who has a track record of maligning intuitions and picking quqrrell with them to implement the agenda of international establishment. He is also fond of revealing state secrets. It was in his first tenure of government that Pakistan’s nuclear programme was in the hostile light of US media. Nawaz Sharif locked horns in 1992 with President Ghulam Ishaq Khan after the visit US Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Borthlomio to Islamabad and his unpleasant meeting with the latter. In October, 1999, he sacked the sitting COAS General Musharraf while he was returning from Srilanka in PIA flight along with some 200 passengers on board in that flight. The General had given a bloody nose to India in Kargil Operation. The airplane was not even allowed to land in Pakistan and was directed to land in India even though he knew that the plan was running out of fuel.
As former Prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his loyalists including Ayaz Sadiq, Rana Sanaullah, Ahsan Iqbal and Khurram Dastagir are promoting anti-state agenda. Hence, the saner elements in the rank and file of PML-N must take seriously take the advice of Information Minister to par ways with Sharif dynasty.