CTD conducts mock exercise near Diplomatic Enclave

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) conducted a mock exercise at an under construction building near the diplomatic enclave with a purpose to deal with any possible emergency situation and to ensure the safety of life and property of the citizens.
According to detail, following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, the mock exercises by the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) are being conducted in different areas of the city in order to prepare the force to deal with any untoward situation.
Officials from counter terrorism department (CTD) and Bomb Disposal squad of Islamabad capital police participated under the supervision of SP CTD. The main objective of this mock exercise is to react to a situation by reaching the spot in a short time in case of any emergency and taking timely precautions, according to the standing order procedure.
Islamabad Capital Police is taking all out efforts to secure the life and property of the residents and no stone would be unturned in this regard.
Citizens are requested to call “Pukar-15” for any information about any suspicious activity.