DC Faisalabad directs action against land grabbers

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: The Deputy Commissioner Ali Shahzad has directed to expedite the campaign for the recovery of government arrears across the district and said that concerted efforts should be made to achieve the targets as soon as possible.
There should be no slowness or negligence in this regard he added.
He stated this while presiding over a meeting in which the overall performance of the revenue department including revenue recovery matters was reviewed.
The Deputy Commissioner, while reviewing the progress of recovery of government arrears in different sectors, emphasized on achieving the remaining targets in terms of stamp duty, registration fee, capital value tax & water rate and said that regular performance review and targets in case of non-complying the concerned officer will be held accountable. He also directed to complete the relevant files by finding the missing documents in the revenue record. He asked the Assistant Commissioners to assign targets to the Revenue Officers and monitor them thoroughly, the performance should be very clear.The Deputy Commissioner said that a coordinated and effective strategy is being formulated to meet the targets set by the Punjab Govt. During the meeting, the Additional Deputy Commissioner Revenue Fazal e Rabi Cheema informed about the details of working on government arrears, missing documents and other revenue matters.
Assistant Commissioner of tehsils were also present in the meeting.