DC Faisalabad stresses on plantation

FAISALABAD: Forest boost the natural phenomena and nature never betray. It might enhance your tranquility making you mentally healthful, said DC.
World Forest Day was observed here by planting maximum trees at Govt Technical High School Peoples’ Colony and other places by different departments with the participation of students and civil society representatives.
On the eve of World Forest Day, The Deputy Commissioner Ali Shahzad planted a sapling at Govt Technical High School.
A large number of plants of numerous categories were planted on this occasion by students and representatives of civil society. ADC HQ Kashif Raza Awan, CEO( District Education Authority) Ali Ahmad Siyan, Divisional Forest Officer Muhammad Ali Butt and other officers also participated in tree plantation.
Expressing his views, the Deputy Commissioner urged that every citizen should plant at least one sapling of his share which was also a message of observance of World Forest Day.
He said adding that, clean and green program was a revolutionary step of the present government for environmental protection which was underway in whole district as well as the country with full spirit and dedication.
He said that the goal of green Pakistan could only be achieved through good intention, struggle and passion for which strong commitment of the citizens is always required.
He asked the Forest department officers to expand a wide awareness campaign to motivate the citizens for participating in tree plantation and complete technical guidance should also be provided to them for looking after the saplings planted during the current campaign.
Addressing the students, the Deputy Commissioner said that they were previous individuals of the nation and their role in national development was very important so they should also contribute in tree plantation.
Divisional Forest Officer informed the detail of tree plantation and said that informative literature were also being distributed among the citizens besides providing them technical assistance for the nourishment of saplings.