Deadline for Hajj applications extended

ISLAMABAD: The government of Pakistan has decided to extend the deadline for submission of Hajj applications under the government sponsorship scheme by a week after facing a ‘slow response’.
The government has allocated 25,000 seats in the ‘Sponsorship Scheme Hajj’, introduced by the government this year, allowing overseas Pakistanis to apply for Hajj or sponsor someone in Pakistan for the journey by paying in US dollars. In return, applicants would not have to participate in the balloting process.
Only 3,161 applications have been received so far under the government sponsorship scheme against a quota of 25,000.
Sources added that the Ministry of Religious Affairs have decided to extend the deadline for Hajj applications by a week as it was determined to complete the allocated quota.
Furthermore, sources claimed the ministry has received more than 63,000 applications so far under the government regular scheme. Previously, the government extended the Hajj application deadline by 10 days from December 12 to 22. –Agencies