Deadly Bus accident kills 15 in Canada

Manitoba: In a devastating accident near the town of Carberry in Manitoba, Canada, a collision between a semi-trailer truck and a bus carrying seniors has resulted in a significant loss of life.
The crash, one of the deadliest road accidents in recent Canadian history, has left at least 15 people dead and 10 others injured.
The incident occurred at the junction of two major roads, where the bus, carrying approximately 25 people, collided with the truck. Most of the passengers aboard the bus were elderly individuals on their way to a casino in Carberry. The crash site was marked by burned vehicles and tarpaulins covering the victims, adding to the grim scene.
Authorities swiftly responded to the mass casualty collision, with first responders and Royal Canadian Mounted Police units arriving at the scene. Police confirmed the tragic death toll and provided updates on the injured, who were transported to hospitals in the region. Medical facilities were put on high alert to handle the influx of victims.
As investigations into the accident continue, details about the cause and responsibility remain undisclosed. However, initial reports stated that the vehicle operated by Handi-Transit, which provides transportation services for the elderly and disabled, was initially misidentified as a van. The crash in Manitoba echoes the pain and grief felt in neighboring Saskatchewan in 2018, when a truck collided with a bus carrying young ice hockey players, resulting in the loss of 15 lives. –Agencies