Defence Day: Premier warns world of consequences if Indian atrocities ignored

ISLAMABAD: As the country remembers its martyrs on Defence Day, Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Arif Alvi reiterated the nations’ resolve to thwart any kind of misadventure by the enemy and its readiness to respond befittingly.

President Alvi underscored that the Pakistan armed forces “were imbued with the spirit of patriotism and sacrifice and were capable of defeating any internal and external adventurism”.

“September 6 dawns every year with the remembrance of national spirit and for renewal of our resolve to lay down our lives for our beloved motherland. Fifty-four years ago, our valiant armed forces, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the nation, immortalized this day as a symbol of courage, bravery, sacrifice, and national integrity by thwarting the evil designs of the enemy,” he wrote.

“The world has already witnessed their capabilities in February this year, when they effectively and swiftly responded to Indian intrusion and made it clear to the world that their hearts are still charged with September Spirit and they will go to any extent to safeguard the freedom, integrity, and sovereignty of the motherland,” he observed.

Pakistan will never leave Kashmiris and their cause: COAS

He also expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri people. “We will continue raising their just struggle for freedom at all levels and platforms.”

“Indian brutalities and cruelties cannot suppress their spirit of freedom. Undoubtedly, Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory.”

Alvi also reiterated Islamabad’s resolve to regional peace. “We are desirous of friendly relations with all our neighbours. Moreover, sustainable peace in Afghanistan is our biggest desire and for this, we fully support the ongoing reconciliation efforts.”

In a separate message, PM Imran said Defence Day stood out “as a symbol of enduring display of unity, indomitable courage and unmatched sacrifices by our gallant soldiers who, on this day, years ago, proved to the world that the country’s defence is unassailable and the valiant armed forces are ever ready to defend every inch of the motherland”.

“In the 1965 war, the valour of our armed forces and the spirit of our people presented a true picture of oneness and coordination, discipline and perseverance. Both the people and the men in uniform proved that it’s not the size that matters but what matters the most is the courage and devotion to duty.”

Commending the armed forces, he said: “Our shuhada and ghazis are our heroes and the nation owes them gratitude and respect. I salute the gallant sons of the soil who laid down their lives while defending Pakistan, and pay respect to their families for unparalleled sacrifices they rendered for our tomorrow.”

“Today we are facing a similar situation; the enemy is once again showing aggressive postures on the Line of Control, it has unleashed a reign of terror on innocent and unarmed people of the Occupied Valley after changing the status of Kashmir by abolishing Articles 370 and 35-A in violation of the UN Charter.”

“For Pakistan, Kashmir stands as its jugular vein,” he stressed. “Altering its status poses challenges to Pakistan’s security and integrity.”

The premier condemned Narendra Modi-led government. “The fascist government is hell-bent upon suppressing the Kashmiri people’s just struggle against India’s illegitimate occupation, denying them their right to self-determination permissible under the UN Resolutions.”

He called upon the international community to take note of Indian atrocities on Muslims. “I have also urged upon the international community to seriously consider the safety and security of India’s nuclear arsenal that is in the control of a racist and Hindu supremacist government; this is an issue that impacts not just the South Asian region but the whole world.”

“Pakistan has launched proactive diplomatic activity in the world capitals as well as in the UN to expose the true face of today’s radicalised India.”

“I have informed the world that Pakistan does not want war, but at the same time, Pakistan cannot remain oblivious to the challenges posed to its security and integrity,” said PM Imran. “We are prepared to give the enemy the fullest possible response.”

“Failing, the world community will be responsible for the catastrophic aftermath,” he warned.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also said that Pakistan has the capacity to defend the rights of people living in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Speaking on the occasion of Defence and Martyrs Day, Qureshi expressed his solidarity with the innocent civilians of IoK, referring to them as ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’.

Pakistan and Kashmir categorically reject the Indian illegal and unilateral actions in the occupied territory, added the foreign minister in his message.