Defying American conspiracy against China: Separating facts from myths

By Khalid
Taimur Akram

China has been taking every possible measure to halt the spread of the Coronavirus and curb this 21st Century pandemic. China has prudently dealt with the severe health conditions posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the country has been providing immensepharmaceutical and vaccine assistance toall developing and underdeveloped nations. While observing the contemporaryinternationalscenario, it has been clearly witnessed that China has emerged as thesole global leader to revamped its economy, wisely catered its population out of health hazards, and facilitated other countries to mitigate the devastating impacts of the menace. On the flip side, Washington is busy playing the blame game and giving extra leverage to false propaganda-fake news against China rather than making concrete efforts to address the global peril. Recently, U.S. President Joe Biden has ordered the intelligence agency C.I.A toinvestigate the origin of the deadly virus, accusing that the Coronavirus was accidentally leaked from a lab, in addition to the prevailing theory that it an animal transmitted it to humans outside a lab. However, these false allegations have been rejected by international media and seasoned experts. This belligerent move is yet another manifestation of American anti-Chinese propaganda.The article highlights the facts and defy the perpetuated fringe conspiracy theory against China.
Unveiling the U.S Vicious Motives against Rising superpower China:
False news and fake rumors circulating on international media are deluging and misleading people regarding the facts concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined this harmful outbreak of misleading myths as “infodemic’’. An infodemic is an overabundance of information, both online and offline. It includes deliberate attempts to disseminate wrong information to undermine the public health response and advance alternative agendas of groups or individuals. Thereby, it is necessary that countries must promote healthy behaviors and mitigate the harm from disinformation or misinformation.
The West, especially the U.S., has remained a prominent rival to Chinese-led initiatives. The irresistible rise of China has been tried to curtailed by the U.S. through negative propaganda and media campaigns.In this aspect, U.S. has spread misleading information about the Covid-19 that the virus had been createdaccidentally or deliberately in a laboratory at the Wuhan Disease Control and Prevention Centre. This false proposition had been made against a government-run lab in Hubei Province of China, the “Wuhan Institute of Virology.” However, all these absurd claims were made merely based on speculation. The West international media outlets have fueled the false news, including the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post. The false news has been fueled by West international media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times and the WashingtonPost. Many international public health researchers clearly stated that the Covid-19 had nothing had no natural origin in China.
As per the 2020 report compiled by Chinese researchers from several institutions-no epidemiological links were found between the first patient and later cases. Furthermore, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace.Moreover, China fully supports the transparent investigation and facilitates such research processes. According to these research and facts, it is vital to understand that China has not started the Coronavirus, nor are Asians responsible for it. However, the West and U.S. government’s false statements and anti-Chinese propaganda cannot harm Chinese popularity and Chinese-led exceptional initiative. The U.S. is politicalizing the issue for its own gains. Such myths and claimsdo not possess any credibility and always misguide people and create chaos. All the allegations amid the Coronavirus origin are meaningless and mere politicizing campaigns against the rising Chinese economy.
Thewest negativerhetoric and false propaganda have been unveiled before the world. Trade war, banning Chinese cotton, the G-7 rivalry against the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), and the novel Covid-19 blame games are the clear outcomes of the West’s and U.S.A frustration to curtail Chinese rising influence and popularity. The west wants to maintain its hegemony over the world. Thereby, indulged in vicious campaigns because they fear Chinese rising economy.The latest G-7 led Build Back Better World (B3W) has been introduced as a rival to China’s BRI. However, a mere analysis of its feasibility for delivering such a financial miracle to match the pace of China’s BRI looks like a far cry from reality. The agenda is likely to face many impediments and consensus-building issues. The targets of the G-7 plan fall short by a fair margin by excluding China and encapsulating belligerent narratives like ‘rivalry and competition’. The west proposed project can never compete exceptional China Belt & Road initiative. The U.S. is trying to pursue its vile vested interests via coercive diplomatic actions and hostile rhetoric. One should not forget the history of the West as it had colonized Asian-African countries and plundered resources. The marks of their tyrannies and inhuman activities are visible to present times.
Western countries are open to using tricks of sanctions and political manipulation at a frantic pace against China. The Xinjiang cotton ban in the wake of human rights violation has been done by the U.S.particularlyto create an anti-China sentiment globally using the Xinjiang Muslims.
–The author is an Executive Director, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad