Delegate spreads spirit of congress

BEIJING: Lin Zeyin, Party chief of the Baocui Huadu community in Beichen district in Tianjin, and a delegate to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, has not ceased spreading the spirit of the congress’ report around the city.
Sharing her insights on the report, she said she felt enormous responsibilities and pride.
“The report mentioned the word ‘people’ 105 times, which means that we as social workers have more duties to better serve the people in need at the grassroots,” she noted.
In recent weeks she has been sharing her valuable experiences with social workers and volunteers amid the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic.
Lin, 48, from the Bouyei ethnic group in Guizhou province, became a social worker in Beichen district in 2007.
She has a shining spirit of the ethnic group — “being warm to the needy” — and has built the community she works in like a true family.
The community, which covers 76,000 square meters, is home to 1,009 families with a population of 3,050. Among them, 290 elderly live without relatives. She has set up a 15-strong volunteer team to help them.
In recent years, the team has offered services including delivering vegetables, free laundry washing and counseling.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item