Delimitation aims to increase seven seats in IoJK

New Delhi: The Data on delimitation of five states including Jammu Kashmir, Ladakh has been prepared, as per official Sources, The Delimitation Commission has collected from all these states the Census of 2011 and other related data till June 15.
Meanwhile, the commission has banned the formation of new tehsils, districts and other administrative units in all these states, including Jammu Kashmir, reports said.
They said that, “if a new Panchayat or Tehsil is formed, it will not be included in the ambit of delimitation.”
On the other hand, the office of the Delimitation Commission opened on Monday at Ashoka Hotel in New Delhi. With the opening of the office, now the work of delimitation will accelerate.
On Monday, the delimitation commission office was inaugurated in the presence of members of the delimitation commission including former Justice Ranjana Desai, Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora, Ashok Lavasa, Sushil Chandra.
The Commission has held four meetings In August last year, after the special provisions of Article 370 were removed from Jammu Kashmir, the formation of a Commission for Delimitation was announced in the newly created Union Territories, it started functioning from March this year.
“Seven seats will increase due to delimitation, political map will also change, the delimitation will increase the seven assembly seats in Jammu Kashmir. With this, the number of seats here will be 114, out of which 24 seats will be reserved for Pakistan Administered Kashmir,” Sources told The Kashmiriyat.
There will be a change in reservation, Unreserved seats can go to reserved category and reserved seats to unreserved category, he said.–Agencies