Demos persist in IoK against Indian cruelties

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Complete strike in Indian Occupied Kashmir , marked by anti-India demonstrations, will be observed on Friday to send once again a clear message to India and the world that the people of Jammu and Kashmir reject New Delhi’s illegal occupation of their homeland.
According to Kashmir Media Service reported, call for the strike and the demonstrations has been given by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference to register protest against India’s moves to change the territorial integrity and demographic composition of occupied Kashmir.
It is also aimed at protesting against the forcible eviction of people from their lands across the territory especially those living near military camps, Indian government’s plan to construct 200,000 houses for RSS goons on these grabbed lands and arrest of thousands of Kashmiris in the recent days. People including men and women will hold anti-India demonstrations outside mosques, shrines and imambargahs after Juma prayers.
The imams and khateebs will present a draft resolution and acquire consent of masses demanding of the UN to appoint special envoys to take stock of the human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops in the occupied territory. The people will observe a complete blackout from Maghrib to Isha prayers.