Deputies get suggestions from public

BEIJING: After reviewing suggestions from national legislators on installing elevators in old low-rise buildings, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development put technical research and project construction on its agenda.
In China, seniors living in apartments built before 1990 face difficulty getting up and down the stairs because the buildings are usually six or seven floors and do not have elevators.
To help solve the problem, five deputies to the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, raised suggestions when they attended the NPC full session in March.
The advice was first read by the general office with the NPC Standing Committee, and then transferred to the ministry to deal with further.
The case was introduced by Guo Zhenhua, deputy secretary-general of the NPC Standing Committee, to lawmakers while explaining a report on tackling suggestions from deputies at the committee’s latest session in December.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item