Despite ECP readiness, govt reluctant to give Polls day

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Though the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) says it has made the necessary preparations to conduct general elections in the country at any time, it is the political parties that seem to be uncertain about the fate of polls, with the government reluctant to make any solid commitment to hold elections this year.
This was the outcome of a lengthy discussion at a for¬um organised by the Pakis¬tan Insti-tute of Legislative Development (Pildat), titled: “How prepared is the ECP to hold a free and fair general election?” held here on Tuesday, which was attended by the representa-tives of the ECP, major political parties, civil society, and journalists.
Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar seemed hesitant in giving any solid commitment on holding of general elections in October or November, while lawmakers from Sindh em-phatically stated that it would be difficult for them to accept the next elections on the basis of the recently-concluded “fau¬lty census” and the delimitation made by the ECP on the ba-sis of the 2017 census.
Speaking at the occasion, the law minister expressed the hope that the country would soon go into elections.
The minister stated that the PML-N-led coalition had a “clear resolve” that the government was bound to follow the laws and the Constitution and its constitutional term was ending in August.
However, when moderator Aasiya Riaz of Pildat welcomed the law minister’s remarks, say-ing that it was good that the minister had made a “commitment that the government has no plan to extend its term and that the elections will be held on time,” Mr Tarar clarified that he believed that presently, there was no such situation.
Mr Tarar then asked the participants to pray that they would not have to invoke articles 232 or 234 of the Constitution, thus indicating that he was not completely ruling out the possibility of extending the term of the present government under special circumstances.
Article 232 provides for a “proclamation of emergency on account of war, internal disturb-ance” whereas Article 234 deals with the “power to issue proclamation in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a province.”
“As of today, there is no such situation,” he said.
Earlier, Mr Tarar emphasised the role of the ECP in setting the election date, underscoring its legal authority. Acknowledging the financial constraints the ECP faced in the past year, Mr Tarar stated, “Our ECP is a strengthened institution,” adding that these constraints were no longer the case.
The law minister also stated that there was a need for changing some laws and the consti-tution in the wake of recent political events. He said the law ministry had proposed that in future, if any legislature was dissolved before time, then the elections should be held for the remainder period, instead of five years. Similarly, he said, there were certain proposals on the issue of contesting elections on multiple seats.
Mr Tarar was of the view that had there been the system of elections under a caretaker set-up in the past, the country might not have seen the imposition of martial law after the gen-eral elections in 1977. He said the government was ready to do legislation as per recom-mendations of the ECP.
PTI Senator Ali Zafar stressed the need for holding the elections in October, hoping that “the optimism expressed by the law minister will turn into a reality.”
“It would be very surprising and shocking if the ECP says it doesn’t want to hold elections,” he said while criticising the ECP for filing review before the Supreme Court expressing its inability to hold the elections due to non-availability of funds and security personnel.
The PTI senator raised reservations over the ECP’s position, implying that he expected them to be more decisive in accordance with their constitutional obligations. He also asked the ECP to take notice of the “rumours” the government was planning to extend its term through a parliamentary resolution.
Mr Zafar called for a level playing field for all the parties in the next elections.