Dialogue on Afghan Peace Process held

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

Islamabad: On 14th July 2020, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad organized a Dialogue & Interactive Session with His Excellency Zahid Nasrullah Khan, Ambassador of Afghanistan to Pakistan on Latest Situation of the Afghan Peace Process & Implications for the Region.
Maj Gen Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery (Retd), President CGSS commenced the session and highlighted that the situation in Afghanistan is of keen interest regionally as well as globally, he thanked His Excellency for his presence and asked regarding the Balkanization of Afghanistan, he also discussed the current situation of the drug situation during COVID-19.
His Excellency Zahid Nasrullah Khan, Ambassador, of Afghanistan to Pakistan discussed the current scenario of Afghanistan and highlighted three segments of the scenario.
He discussed the current scenario and important developments with regard to the peace process and the challenges and expectations from the Intra Afghan Negotiations furthermore, he also highlighted the implications for Afghanistan and the region. He commented that in the initial days of the joint declaration following the agreement between US and Taliban in DOHA there were a lot of apprehensions regarding the agreement because of the security situation and political uncertainty in Afghanistan as Abdullah Abdullah refused to accept the election results, the political rivals could not find a solution causing ethnic and political divisions.
Release of prisoners has been an important factor in the Intra Afghan Negotiations, an important development came when newly elected President Ghani announced a decree to release 415 prisoners on a condition that there should be a reduction in ceasefire and humanitarian ceasefire, this decree was not approved by the Taliban. After this decree many other counter proposals came forward but among those prisoners were 600 prisoners who were connected to terrorist attacks and international reservations existed about their freedom.
Furthermore, His Excellency Zahid Nasrullah Khan, Ambassador of Afghanistan highlighted that the recent Taliban attacks will prove to be a drawback in the release of the prisoners, he also underlined that the agreement signed between President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah was a sigh of relief for the international Community, the agreement included clauses of making an advisory council and a high council of national peace resolution for Intra Afghan Negotiations.
He also discussed the second phase of IAN and stated that it will be important as it includes De-weaponization and mobilization of forces in Afghanistan for which a dedicated team has been appointed and approved. It is important to improve the security condition of Afghanistan as the trust of International community will enhance the economic condition of the country and attract new projects of investments.
The session also included an interactive session where subject experts and analysts discussed various aspects of the current situation and Afghanistan. The attendees highlighted Afghanistan’s stance in the current CPEC projects as well India’s position in the recent developments of the geo strategic and geopolitical scenario of the region. Pakistan’s position and role in the Peace process was also brought under consideration. The session was attended by 40 participants and was moderated by Lt Col Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd), Executive Director, CGSS.