DIG, SSP visit different parts of the Capital

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: DIG Operations Afzaal Ahmed Kousar and SSP Islamabad Syed Mustafa Tanveer on Friday visited different areas of the capital city to inspect the law and order situation and met with the on-duty officials.
According to the police media department, Additional SP farhat Abbas Kazmi, SP (Aiwan-e-Sadr) Sardar Mustafa, and ASP Abdul Aleem also accompanied the high-ups during the their round to the city. The officials also distributed masks among the personnel. DIG Afzaal Ahmed Kousar did iftar with the police officials in Rawat while SSP Syed Mustafa Tanveer did iftar at Faizabad Bridge.
Talking to the police officials, the officers said that they were happy to see the personnel in the field and also appreciated their role in controlling law and order during the TLP protests. They said that the department was proud of the role the force played during the protests and securing lives of the residents. they also directed the officials to be vigilant during the holy month of Ramadan and keep their morale high.