Digital token system launched at IIA

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) has installed a digital token system at the Islamabad International Airport (IIA) aimed at conducting the smooth and rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) tests of the passengers arriving from Category-C countries. “A digital token system has been installed at Islamabad Airport for conducting Rapid Test for Cat-C countries inbound passengers,” spokesman for Aviation Division Abdul Sattar Khokhar said in a press statement on Tuesday. He said approximately 1,000 passengers arriving from Category-C countries including the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, Island, Portugal and Netherlands were undergoing the ‘Rapid Antigen Test’ for COVID-19. “Before we had a manual token system for them, but now we have introduced a digital system at Islamabad International Airport for their convenience,” the spokesman said. According to a recently updated list of the PCAA, effective from February 2, the passengers coming from Category-A countries were not required to carry the COVID-19 PCR test before entry into Pakistan. Explaining Category-B, the spokesman said the negative COVID-19 PCR test, maximum 72 hours old, was required from the international travellers coming from the countries not specified in the Categories A and C. – Agencies